Last night i had my very first gig at Eat Pescado. As always, i was with my band walnut Avenue (Solcyn, Louie and Piox). It was not actually a full blown gig, but an audition. we wanted to perform there weekly so we had to audition for it. We sang just on eset but i think we did alright. my friends even say i did great. i probabaly had about 50 friends there.. not that i invited everyone, some just happened to be there. and i think it served me well. the crowd rooted for us and i used that energy to improve my performance.
so the sound system was less than great and the microphone and even the mic stand were awful. i still thought my performance was ok. although the "technical difficulties" distracted me i didnt distract me as much as it would have a couple of years ago..
it may not show, but when i started singing was sooo shy, and i did not even have the courage to lety my voice out. so yeah, confidence really plays a big part when singing.
confession #18
probabaly the reason why i was so happy to perform last night was that my friends were there to support me.
there was jervy and his friends... i truly appreciated that jervy came even though he wass l;ate. he never drinks and very seldomly goes to torres
ezza- who was dead tired from the farm but still amde an effort to be there
nikka, kae kae, marian, byu- who went there for the sole reason of supporting me
dino, job- who had stopped drinking for a while but pulled through for me
monet-who was cash-less but still chose to go to tores just to catch me
adrian- who cannot be exposed to smoke because of his medical condition, but decided to commit suicide just to watch me perform
mernill-who im sure does not go to torres that often, but was there nonetheless
lara- who skipped a wedding just to be tehre for me
chooy and his dad- he had promised me before that he would come..and this time he did...and it seems he enjoyed it
braggy- who doesnt really 'do' the torres scene, but was there for me and only me
faith-who was supposed to go home to tagum, but decided to stay here so she could watch me perform (btw she has a great voice too. better than mine, actually)
julius- who was supposed to go home as well to pack his belongings for a samal trip today
ten ten- who ahd texted everyone, reminding them that i was having a gig
suzette and her bf- who always eem to be there when ever i invite them to watch my gig
leslie- who surprised em with her attendance..we did not even talk much, yet there she was to support me.
and to all the rest of my friends who came despite of the rain
yes. this was a great ending for my law school experience