- Sienna Miller 29
- John legend 32
- Gayle King 56
- Denzel Washington 56
- Maggie Smith 76
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Happy Birthday!
Drink of the Week: Royal Orange Fizz

December 28 is Card Playing Day!
Things to Look Out for in 2011
A new year always means new experiences, new fascinations, new parties, new addictions, and a whole new world of wonder. Instead of taking in whatever comes your way, I find that expecting things to happen and searching for them and making them happen sooner I always better because you come prepared when they arrive. Having said that, I present to you the things to look forward to this year.
Alright, alright. So it’s not that deep. I just wanted to give you a preview of the things that could invade our Facebook (or some new social networking site!) status messages or Tweets really soon… because, well, it’s a fun topic.
10.) Abreeza Mall opening in Davao: Shopaholics and Foodies have been going crazy waiting for the next big mall to open in the locality. Rumours have been flying about Starbucks and/or Krispy Kremes finally opening in Durian City, as well as a slew of really good fashion brands; making the opening of this Ayala mall much awaited.
9.) Celebrity Babies: Since we are a society that is obsessed with celebrity, their offspring are always matters of international interest. Some celebrities who are sure to spend 2011 with new babies include the sensual Penelope Cruz, Hollywood Actor Orlando Bloom, edgy Singer Pink, Breast Cancer Survivor and actress Christina Applegate, not-so-Baby Spice Emma Bunton, and Diva du Jour who is expecting a set of twins by her rapper-producer husband, Nick Cannon.
8.) The Pacquiao-Mosley Fight: Alright. I admit I am not into the Pacquiao fever mostly because I have never seen any of his fights because they are usually too early for me and always happen on a Sunday (which is obviously after a Saturday, which is obviously the day partyphiles go out to party hearty). However, I am pretty sure that this next fight will be as epic as his last few ones. And although the grapevine says Mosley is too easy an opponent for Pacquiao; I think this will, once again, turn out to be a really good fight.
7.) Albums: Music is always a big part of people’s (especially partyphiles’) lives. Because of this, new albums from the following artists are much awaited:
· Lady Gaga
· Beyonce
· Britney Spears
· Madonna
· Black Eyed Peas
· Blink 182
· No Doubt
· Aerosmith
· Red Hot Chili Peppers
· U2
As a side note, two young international artists are hitting the Philippines early this year: Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber.
6.) Movies: Movies are always entertaining and big movies usually send in trailer a year before their actual release. This seems to create an excitement for movie buffs around the globe. The movies to look out for this year include:
- Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows Part II
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
- The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn
- Xmen First Class
- Captain America: The First Avenger
- The Green Hornet
- Green Lantern
- Thor
- Parites of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
- Kung Fu Panda 2
5.) Every urbanite has to have his slew of gadgets to make life easier and keep connected to the world. Here is a list of all the most anticipated little gizmos and gadgets to watch out for in the year that is:
- Blackberry Playbook
- Samsung Galaxy S2 i9200
- Nintendo 3Ds 3D Camera
- iPhone 5
- iPad 2
- The PlayStation Phone by Sony Ericsson
- Nintendo 3Ds
- Sony Vaio 3D
4.) Antonov Apple: This ready-to-drink beverage is starting to gather a sufficient numbers of fans in PArtylandia because of its sweet taste, affordable price, and unique packaging. This apple flavoured vodka concoction is Antonov’s answer to two of the biggest hitters in the ready-to-drink cocktail world: Gilbey’s Premium Strength and Tanduay Ice.
3.) The Proposed BRT System in Davao: I’m guessing this would not materialize within the year but I’m hoping for some sign that this will actually happen really soon. Any improvement within the year would be such a blessing. A Bus Rapid System (or BRT) is composed of a line of busses that travel on a special lane. People hop on and get off at platforms all around the city. It is said to be more cost efficient and more convenient for everybody. This would hopefully help with the traffic situation in our growing city.
2.) Diaspora*: The social networking site that is said to be the next “Facebook” will be fully usable this year. Unlike Facebook, Diaspora makes it so much easier to protect posts, videos, photos, and other media. More importantly, it allows you to pick and choose exactly who it is you want to share your posts with in a much easier fashion. More importantly, they give you full ownership of all your photos and protect them for your sake. I wonder if Facebook is trembling or trying to make friends with Friendster already.
1.) New Banknotes: If there is one thing that gets me more excited than alcohol, that is definitely: Money. Our new banknotes will feature upgraded security features, more vibrant colors, younger photos of the personalities on the fron of the bill, and a whole new back that features (for each bill) a landmark, an animal indigenous to the Philippines, and a band based on indigienous art, designs, or weaving patterns.
For comments, suggestions, or more confessions from this partyphile, log on to http://party.i.ph or tweet the columnist at twitter.com/zhaun. Youcan catch Confessions of a Partyphile (the radio show) on 105.9 Mix FM or www.mixfm1059.com every Wednesday nights, from 6 to 9.