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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

unsure of uncertainty

i just came home from a hosting gig and right now i feel like im floating

i dont know how i feel..maybe i need to get some rest..

i dont know..and i hate the feeling of not knowing...

and it is frustrrting when im in this state because there is always a part of that seeks to know everything i9 can..and when i dont know something that is an intrinsic part of who i am or the way i feel

i just dont feel like im zhaun

argh,...this just frustrates me

i this world where there are only a couple of things that you could really call your own and you really can be sure of..just losing anotheer one of those is painful
and....i dunno...just plain annoying

and thats is why time and again i love going out on gimicks

because there in the middle of the crowd..everything is sure..
you are sure to dance
you nare sure to have a great time
and you are sure that once you have gotten home...the gimik life will still be waiting for you with open arms

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