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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Summer Is Definitely In

Heat is escaping from my head, although i juust took a shower an hour ago. My room is as hot as our toaster, and i'm sweating more profusely than usual. Summer HAS began, and i'm sure there is no stopping it. (duh!)

well, summer has always been one of my favorite seasons, after all, summer has always marked the start of "rest and relaxation". However, this is not the case right now. i am no longer in school, i have no reason to take a break because i don't really work that much.

and it bthers me so much that i play summer-y and happy songs on air for my radio show when i can't even enjoy my summer... and my boss tells me to stay posityive on air so it's not like i can rant about not being able to hit the beach...not that i would really want to rant, but sometimes, i just get the urge to.

i mean, while playing summery, feel good songs, i just imagine some lame ass lazy boy lying on the sand, watching the sun set while listening to the song im playing and sipping on some cold margaritas or munching on some halo-halo

and then you realize the world is unfair...while some other person is relaxing (while trying to look for a hook-up of course) on the beach, you are stuck in the most "anti-summer" work ever..

if you don't get what i mena, try visiting our radio station...sit in the booth for at least 5 minutes...and im sure you would understand my i almost freeze to death for those three hours that i "work"


anyways..whats important is that someday soon...i mean real real soon...this summer...

im going to a beach with no money, with no food, and equipped only with the insatiable urge to party, chillax and of course the thirst for beer and intresting young people... i friggin' come!

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