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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

No Power. Will Party!

EVERYBODY calls this generation, our generation, the instant generation. We are known to have been exposed, most likely since birth, to everything instant: instant noodles, instant coffee, instant drinks, and even instant friends over the internet. Needless to say, we are highly reliant on everything that makes anything instant, like the telephone for instant conversations, the internet for instant correspondences, the television for instant entertainment, and since the weather these days seems to give us a taste of what life in hell could feel like, we take solace with electric fans and air conditioning units for instantly cool air.

So, it comes as no surprise that we often feel out of place whenever there are short power outages in our area; and there have been lots and lots of them! When these brown outs happen, we suddenly have nothing to do, because all our known sources of entertainment are off, and we somehow find time to think about how miserable life is…at least for those couple of hours when we don’t have power. So here, my dear partyphile, are some suggestions on what you can do when the electricity is out.

Have a hose down - I don’t know what time the brown out strikes in your area, but in my crib it always strikes at noon, or an hour later. Obviously, it is just too hot, and several minutes into the brown out your armpits get sweaty, and your head feels heavy, and it isn’t a very nice experience. When this happens, gather all your neighborhood friends for the ultimate hose down. Just water each other down or play some game involving the hose. If you have balloons lying around the house, you could fill those with water to make water bombs as well. And even though it seems childish, it is heaps of fun!

Exercise - Since you are already probably sweating like a pig, why not exercise to lose more calories? You could go on the treadmill, walk around your lot, or even do jumping jacks inside your room. If you have younger siblings or children of your own, you could chase them around the house or play tag with them. You would be surprised at how strenuous children’s games are. So basically, you can burn calories, while having fun with your siblings or children, while actually enjoying the heat! And you don’t have to worry about being too sticky after the workout; the power is bound to come back in an hour or two.

Catch up on some Zzzzs - If you are a real partyphile, you probably do not have enough sleep because of all the parties and hot events you attend. Try catching up on some sleep. If it is too warm for you to sleep, take a quick bath (heads up: since your heater is not working, the water will be super cold, which will keep you cool longer) with mentholated products like menthol soaps and shampoos. This will make you feel refreshed and ready to take on the sleeping world.

Read Some Print - Catch up on some reading. You have nothing as entertaining to do, so you might as well read some interesting book, magazine or newspaper. This is sure to keep you occupied for an hour or two. And who knows, you might even continue reading after the lights have gone back.

Scream for Ice Cream - Eat all the ice cream in your freezer. It will melt if you leave it there, and melted and re-frozen ice cream is never a good thing, so beat the heat with that huge tub of iced favors! If your icy stock has melted by the time you remembered about it, pour the melted ice cream into a glass, and enjoy it as a milk shake.

Have a Margarita Party - While the power is still on make your own margarita mix, or simply buy a pre-mixed bottle of margarita. Pour the mixture over some ice cube trays and freeze them. When the lights go out, carefully pop out your margarita cubes from the trays, into glasses. (Heads up: remember to line the brim of the glasses with salt) You then wait for the margarita ice cubes to melt into a sumptuous slush! It is quick, easy, and will give you the best tasting frozen margarita ever! Another plus: it is the funnest way to keep cool; because we all know that a little alcohol makes everything better!

Pull the chord - Even before you start thinking of fun things to do while the power is out, unplug all your appliances, because dealing with a broken fuse when all your neighbors have their power back is not very cool.

Let it be - The brown out is going to last for an hour. AN HOUR. That isn’t too long. Just lie in bed or sit on a chair and do nothing. It will not kill you. Just do nothing, and don’t sweat it.

For comments, suggestions, and more confessions from this partyphile, log on to or add us up on Facebook by searching for “confessions of a partyphile”
Catch Confessions of a Partyphile (the radio show) every Saturday evenings, from 6 to 9 in the PM on 105.9 Mix FM. For comments, suggestions, and more confessions from this partyphile, log on to http://party.i.p

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